This Thursday, the eighth edition of MasterChef Celebrity, the celebrity version of the well-known TVE culinary contest, premiered on La 1. The program has faces well known to all viewers acting as contestants, such as Jesulín de Ubrique, Toñi Moreno or Los Morancos, among many others.

One of those who accepted the MasterChef invitation was Eduardo Casanova. The actor and director, who also participated last Monday in the Grand Prix final, has seemed a bit nervous in the first installment of the season. Something that did not go unnoticed by Pepe Rodríguez, one of his judges. However, Casanova himself drew a red line regarding his stay in the contest.

“As Yolanda Ramos said, I’d rather fart than cry,” confessed the interpreter after feeling the pressure of presenting his first dish to Pepe, Jordi Cruz and Samantha Vallejo-Nágera. Despite his obvious concern, Eduardo Casanova made it clear that he would not be seen crying throughout his time on MasterChef Celebrity.

“I am 32 years old and I have been working since I was 12. I have never shed a tear,” he declared shortly after. Casanova’s confidence in his claims reached the point where he dared to place a bet on the judges of the culinary contest. “If I cry, the three of you will come dressed in pink and I will be dressed in red from head to toe,” he said after confessing that he hated that color.

After making this confession, the actor opened up even more and explained the origin of his fear. “I’m not going to cry because I’m terrified of showing myself vulnerable. I’ve been taught that if you show yourself as you are, they can hurt you, and we’re all afraid of being hurt,” he explained before the cameras.

All the members of the contest, both the jury and the rest of the candidates, supported Eduardo Casanova in his story. “Since I was little I have gone to places and I was always afraid of being the geek and not fitting in,” he insisted, although he also assured that on MasterChef he does not feel that way.