The popular parliamentary group has asked the president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, to dissolve the ERC and Junts groups, which it accuses of having benefited from a fraud in the law in order to enjoy the privileges conferred by the allocation own group

The demand raised by the group led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo can be considered a hostile gesture towards the two groups and shows that the PP has ruled out rebuilding bridges with the two formations.

ERC and Junts have managed to form their own group thanks to the transfer of deputies who agreed at the time with the socialist and Sumar groups. Specifically, Sumar ceded two deputies to ERC and in this way was able to register with a sufficient number of votes represented to access this privilege. The Socialists, for their part, ceded four deputies to Junts.

To have their own group, candidates must have obtained more than 15% of the votes in all the constituencies in which they are presented or represent 5% of the votes in all of Spain.

These cessions – although debatable – have been common in all legislatures and have been put into practice by both major parliamentary formations several times at the beginning of each legislature.

With these precedents, it is only necessary to interpret the initiative of the popular group against the constitution of the two parliamentary groups as a hostile gesture that shows that Feijóo has already ruled out any attempt to approach Junts.

This same week, the popular leader kept open the possibility of an understanding when, after listening to Carles Puigdemont’s statement, he assured that he was still willing to talk to Junts if this group did not subscribe to the conditions set out from Brussels. Logically, this has not happened.

However, it is also necessary to interpret the group’s denunciation, by elevation, as a hostile gesture towards the PNB to the extent that in the Senate the socialists have also ceded senators from their group to the Basque nationalists with the same objective and possibly, if in Congress the PP opposes this maneuver, will maintain the same attitude in the Senate.

In this Chamber, in which the PP has an absolute majority, the decision on the future of some groups is pending for the Bureau, with a conservative majority, to receive a report from the lawyers.

The group constitution entails more time for intervention in parliamentary debates and also a subsidy of 30,346.72 euros per month, and a variable of 1,746.16 euros per month for each deputy.