The world of television is unpredictable and full of surprises. In a masterful promotional move, four iconic faces of Telecinco, specifically from the program Sálvame, have become protagonists of the promotion of La Resistencia.

Those chosen by Movistar have been Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Kiko Matamoros and Lydia Lozano, who have decided to collaborate on a promo for the well-known program presented by David Broncano. And they do it with a lot of humor and highlighting something that has always been said about them: they are willing to do anything as long as there is money ahead.

In this sense, what has been the determining factor for these four collaborators to accept such a proposal? The bait: “1,200 euros plus VAT.” In the promotional video, the collaborators intertwine in a pleasant dialogue in which they reiterate the figure, making clear their enthusiasm for the offer they have been made now that their income has decreased considerably. Even, in a humorous tone, Matamoros ends by saying: “It’s not my fault that they are idiots.”

To add more spark to the promotion, the video ends with an audio, sent by María Patiño to the Broncano team, which says: “Look, for 1,200 euros if you want I will advertise your toenail.”

Judging by this nice promotion, it is clear that the economic proposal has been an incentive for these collaborators to join the La Resistencia promo, which starts its seventh season this September 11 on Movistar Plus. And, as can be understood from the words of Matamoros and Lozano, it is expected that Sálvame’s former collaborators will pass by Broncano’s chair, something that Esteban has already done previously.

They could do it because there are interesting times ahead for these collaborators. After the closure of Sálvame, they have embarked on a new professional adventure. We will soon see them in a Netflix docureality, where eight collaborators will look for work in heart programs abroad. Therefore, they could go on the show to promote their new work.