Tàrrega never ceases to surprise the visitor. With 46 artistic proposals, a new successful edition of the street theater fair closed yesterday. And the proof that it has become a pole of great power is demonstrated by the confluence of companies of all kinds.

The fair began with La Veronal, which on Thursday and Friday nights filled the Plaza Major with drums with the extraordinary Sonoma. And it ended with the musical and audiovisual proposal by Alba G. Corral and the Julià Carbonell Symphonic Orchestra of the Terres de Lleida. The show Les nostres terres com planetes dansant is a brotherhood between the lands of Lleida and those of the Ebro.

At FiraTàrrega, however, extraordinary things also happen, such as a child’s giant puppet chasing an impossible gift. Mo et le ruban rouge, from the French company L’Homme Debout, required the collaboration of around twenty volunteers from FiraTàrrega’s Escamot, and has left one of the most iconic images of this fair.

Without stopping walking, the motto of this edition, but in this case through the most unlikely places, such as the cornices of buildings, jumping from balcony to balcony or climbing the buttresses of the church, the Belgians Be Flat have had the public with my heart in my fist.

From the first performance, the spectacularity and daring of his acrobatics spread like wildfire, so that yesterday, in the third and last of his performances, the hundred spectators with tickets gathered, with their corresponding folding stool, plus two hundred of people, who did not want to miss the spectacular nature of the number.

Parkour or the art of movement is, according to Wikipedia, “a discipline that consists of moving through the urban or natural environment, overcoming the obstacles that arise along the way (fences, walls, empty spaces…) in the most appropriate way. fluid and efficient as possible. It must be added that, in addition to the perfect and agile execution of the parkour, Be Flat demonstrated an excellent sense of rhythm and coordination of the hundreds of people who followed them through the alleys of the center of Tàrrega.

The director of another festival looked at him, like everyone else, with her eyes wide open, and told La Vanguardia: “Only because of the permits and safety regulations, it is impossible to take it to my city, but here in Tàrrega City Council is completely dedicated to the fair and what that entails.”

Catalan version, here