Ana María Smith-Molina, mother of the VOX spokesperson in the Madrid City Council, Javier Ortega Smith, has died in hospital, after two weeks in hospital. The politician himself announced the death of his mother this Monday through the social network prescribed without establishing the necessary controls”.

In the same message, the Madrid politician defines his mother as “a great woman, the best mother in the world, patriotic, brave, intelligent and kind.” He has even posted a photo of her next to her as a young woman when he was a child.

And Javier Ortega-Smith concludes the sad news by sending a religious message: “May God have her by his side and her example, her faith and her desire to fight and live until her last breath always help us. Thank you mom, we will never forget you.” “.

It is Ortega Smith’s second family loss, since a few months ago one of his three brothers died. While the patriarch of the Ortega Smith died in 2019, reports El Español.