The new program presented by Jorge Javier Vázquez, Cuentos Chinos, begins its first season with a large cast of collaborators and a great diversity of sections. Among them tonight was Anabel Alonso, who did not hesitate to get straight to the point and ask Jorge Javier about his feelings on his big night.

In fact, Jorge Javier’s return coincides with the return of another television presenter, Ana Rosa Quintana. Anabel Alonso has been direct with the presenter and has asked him if he would go to Ana Rosa’s program, if he were invited.

Jorge Javier has been clear about this “let’s see, I have to say that he hasn’t invited me yet”, even so, he has been honest with Alonso and explained that he doesn’t feel ready. “If this were a mystery novel, what I could tell you is that I still don’t feel up to visiting the crime scene.”

Although the presenter does not feel like he has the strength to go visit Ana Rosa on her program, he has not hesitated to invite her to come to his. “I have to say that he would be very happy for Ana Rosa Quintana, who I know is watching us, to come here to Cuentos Chinos.”