We premiere a new season of the Stay to Eat podcast. And we do it with Enrique Tomás, an entrepreneur who as a child helped out in his parents’ grocery store in the Salut neighborhood of Badalona and today runs a small empire linked to ham, with establishments in many countries and more than a thousand employees.

Tomás, who speaks with the same naturalness about his successes and failures (“we must speak out loud about failure and fear because they are part of success and life”), claims the right to make mistakes and doubt. And with the same conviction he defends that there are times when, despite doubts, it is important to make decisions. “Sometimes you don’t know the way, but you have to decide and flip a coin. The important thing is that if it comes up heads you have to go to death for that option, and if it comes up tails, to death for the tails.”

The businessman from Badalona remembers origins of which he feels proud and relativizes the power of money, “which comes and goes.” He assures that it should never be the objective of those who decide to undertake, but rather the consequence. “Start up if you are excited about developing a project, but not to earn more than a salaried employee because you will be miserable.”

He is obsessed with fighting the ego (for this he carries a talisman) and considers it a mistake that “when you do three things right you think you are the king of mambo and you stop listening to others.” The ego, he adds, “distances you from the people you love and makes you believe things that are not.”

Treating customers and the importance of selling them what they need, expanding their business or treating well those who help you carry out your dream are some of the topics he addresses in a conversation in which he delves into the importance of meeting goals. own dreams and not those of the neighbor or brother.

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