In Moncloa and in the leadership of the PSOE they recognize that former president José María Aznar is probably the greatest mobilizing and cohesive agent of the left, and the best incentive to once again form a progressive government in Spain. And the Government has attacked with extreme harshness the call of the former president and former leader of the Popular Party for a citizen mobilization in defense of the Constitution and to stand up to the ongoing negotiations of Pedro Sánchez with the Catalan independence movement to achieve his investiture, which They would contemplate an amnesty law for those accused of the process. “It is unacceptable, it is very serious,” they warn in the Moncloa regarding Aznar’s statement.

“It is absolutely serious that a former president of the Government makes these types of statements, which look more like anti-democratic and coup-mongering behavior than those of a former president,” denounced the spokesperson for the acting Executive, the socialist Isabel Rodríguez, after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

These statements by Aznar, similar to others that the Moncloa highlight that have been heard these days by other political and media voices on the right, “are certainly incompatible with the democratic and constitutional values ??of our country,” Isabel stressed. Rodriguez.

The minister spokesperson has raised the tone even further, recalling that it was precisely Aznar “who lied to the Spaniards and who used the largest terrorist attack on our country”, when he attributed the Atocha bombs in 2004 to ETA. “Who did everything “That has little credibility and their statements have no political or even moral value,” he denounced.

The acting Government, in any case, has demanded that the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, immediately demand a rectification of Aznar, “for what his figure represents and the role he still has in the PP”, in order, has said, “in the interest of our country and the constitutional and democratic values ??that are our own and that do not correspond to this type of behavior typical of antidemocratic systems and those coup calls.”

“It is true that they are not new to the PP, we have seen them repeatedly, and I hope that direction is corrected. Why what would be next? The call for an uprising?”, stressed the Executive spokesperson. “I expect Feijóo’s immediate reaction, correcting Aznar’s behavior,” Isabel Rodríguez concluded.