A one year and ten month old boy is hospitalized in critical condition at La Fe Hospital after he choked while chewing a piece of bread with oil and salt in a private daycare center in the Valencian district of Benimàmet, according to the report. Las Provincias newspaper.

The tragic event took place around 3:30 p.m. on Monday shortly before the little boy’s mother went to the nursery to pick him up. After receiving the notification of the choking, three patrols from the Local Police of Valencia and a team from the Urgent Medical Assistance Service (SAMU) urgently went to the scene to resuscitate the child, who could barely breathe as his trachea was obstructed with breadcrumbs. .

The Valencian newspaper reports that one of the caregivers immediately called 112 and the minor’s mother after placing the victim in a lateral safety position, as he was expelling a few drops of blood from his nose and mouth. After the first failed resuscitation attempts, a local police officer with first aid knowledge performed a massage on the child to try to expel the piece of food from the airway.

They were moments of great tension and nervousness in which the little boy’s life hung by a thread. Shortly after, the SAMU paramedics arrived, who performed more resuscitation maneuvers on the minor for 20 minutes, maintained his vital signs and transported him alive to La Fe Hospital, where he was admitted in critical condition.

The minor’s mother, who works as a nurse, immediately went to the daycare after being notified of the event, adds Las Provincias. The father works in Madrid and also traveled urgently to Valencia to meet his wife in the hospital. The doctors managed to stabilize the child around seven o’clock yesterday afternoon, although his condition continues to be very serious and he remains admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of La Fe.