Rodolfo Sancho returned to Spain this Sunday from Thailand, where he has been for almost a week to visit his son, Daniel Sancho, in provisional prison for the murder of Colombian Edwin Arrieta. The actor, accompanied by his lawyer, Marcos García Montes, declined to make statements to the media.

Despite the questions from the press, the protagonist of Sea of ??Plastic and the well-known lawyer preferred to remain silent. A detail that suggests that the interpreter is allowing himself to be advised at all times by his lawyers on how to handle this entire situation regarding his son. Furthermore, it seems that García Montes has a clear objective to achieve with this strategy: return Daniel Sancho to Spain.

It was the lawyer himself who made it known what his final strategy was. In statements he made while he was in Thailand with Rodolfo Sancho studying the details of the case, García Montes assured that the final objective of his strategy is that “it is a prison sentence that is likely to be in Spain in four years.”

Daniel Sancho’s defense would therefore be considering getting this death penalty request commuted to a maximum of a life sentence – something that is normally achieved – which he would serve in both countries.

However, Daniel Sancho’s defense team has a problem to address with greater priority, and that is that they have decided to dispense with the services of Khun Anan, their lawyer in Thailand, despite the fact that regulations require him to be a lawyer. Thai who represents the detainee. Apparently, García Marcos would have reproached Anan for not having requested police actions, documentation that he had not yet received, showing the incompatibility between both teams.

According to Ramón Chipirrás, spokesperson for the Sancho family, work is being done to find a solution to this problem.

There is no extradition agreement between Spain and Thailand that allows a Spanish citizen to be tried in our country for an alleged crime committed on Thai soil. However, in 1983 both countries signed an agreement “on the execution of criminal sentences”, through which they could request the surrender of a national citizen once he has been convicted in the other country to serve part of the sentence imposed.

Thus, as García Marcos and his team intend, Sancho is expected to be tried in Thailand, so that Spain can later demand his surrender and be able to continue serving his sentence on Spanish soil.

Rodolfo Sancho assured that he was leaving Thailand “calmly”, where he was with García Montes for almost a week to visit his son, Daniel Sancho, still in provisional prison, due to the good treatment of the authorities.

“I am pleasantly surprised, I have been very calm,” said the actor. “Daniel is very well taken care of by tremendously kind people, which is what I have realized are the people in this country,” he said from Bangkok, before traveling to Spain this Saturday.

Daniel Sancho has been in provisional prison since last August 7. The young man, 29 years old, was arrested on August 5, when he confessed to the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta, which took place three days earlier on the tourist island of Koh Phangan.