“We don’t work with wishes” is an expression that the counselor of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà, used on September 13, 2022 after a meeting at the Palau de la Generalitat in which Dolors Feliu, president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), presented the idea of ??doing a DUI in the second semester of 2023. The Government completely rejected it. We are already in this semester and Pere Aragonès could have perfectly used this phrase yesterday, but he preferred another formula, no less clear and no less expeditious: “Independence is not achieved just by wanting it very much…”.

Last year Aragonès convened a meeting two days after the Day with the entities to study scenarios. The drunkenness in the street had been noticed.

But this year’s Diada demonstration, with which the ANC intended to shake up the negotiations to invest a president of the Spanish Government, had no impact on the Catalan Executive, nor on ERC and Junts. Feliu brought up again the possibility of “lifting the DUI” and the rejection of the negotiation. Neither cold nor hot. The ANC was considered the engine par excellence for promoting independence. But the engine has stalled: the parties have ignored the entity and continue with their willingness to negotiate. They consider that amnesty by investiture is a card with which you have to bet hard.

The problem is that this card is devalued for every show of disunity in independence. At Monday’s mobilization, it was revealed again. From Together they point out that the only concern they have “is whether Pedro Sánchez will accept the amnesty, because he has less and less incentive to do so” in the face of the lack of pro-independence cohesion that Omnium Cultural, unlike the Assembly , he did make an effort to reclaim it during the Eleventh of September.

With its weight on the decline in the pro-independence sphere, the ANC is studying to recover it, but soon stepping on the Parliament with the civic list that it plans to present in the next Catalan elections (if the members endorse it). The option could go in the opposite direction to unity, according to Aragonès, although he made it clear that everyone is free to do what they like.

The spokeswoman for the Government, Patrícia Plaja, completed the president’s statements. Surprise was expressed “by the change of course of the entity”, since “the essence of the ANC has never been to make politics from within the institutions”, but to promote the pro-independence movement.

Be that as it may, the negotiations to invest the president of the Spanish Government are moving forward, even though the Government points out that they are in the infancy stage. It contrasts with the urgency seen by Jaume Asens, Sumar’s negotiator, for these to be effective. “The sailors of northern Europe say that you must sail before winter arrives, because if winter arrives the Baltic freezes over. And right now the PSOE is going at cruising speed, very little by little”, expressed Asens to RTVE.

The former president of Unides Podemos in Congress also referred to the possibility of including a mediator. Yesterday he ruled out that this could be José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.