Manuel Herrero Muñoz from Valladolid, one of the ten most wanted criminals in Spain and wanted by the Mexican authorities accused of committing a homicide in Mexico City in 2012, has surrendered to the National Police in Madrid.

As reported by the General Directorate of the Police this Wednesday, the fugitive had been residing in various places in the national territory for three years, changing his address every few months and living clandestinely with the help of family and friends.

Although his physical appearance changed “radically”, making it difficult to recognize him during these years, the police and media pressure to which he was subjected caused him to appear at a Madrid police station last Wednesday, September 6, where he was arrested and detained. at judicial disposal.

Herrero Muñoz, a 34-year-old native of Valladolid, was wanted for his alleged participation in a homicide that took place in Mexico City in 2012 when, along with another person, he attacked the victim with a sharp instrument, causing injuries to his neck. and cervical and thoracic trauma.

They later placed the body in a fuel drum that they filled with cement and hid in the cellar of the home where the events occurred.

For this crime, the Mexican authorities, who considered him a target of maximum interest, request a sentence of up to 35 years in prison.

The investigation by the National Police began in 2020, specifically by the Fugitive Location Section, after receiving a request for collaboration from the Mexican authorities for their location, detention and subsequent extradition.

As police sources have detailed to Efe, the case is already in the hands of the National Court, where it will be necessary to study whether he is extradited to Mexico.

In August 2022, the Corps requested citizen collaboration to find the alleged criminal, whom it identified as a man with very light blue eyes, 1.75 meters tall, thin build, a scar on his left arm and “aggressive and dangerous.” ”.

Throughout this time, the efforts carried out to locate the fugitive focused on his family environment and his friends, with the investigators carrying out trips and inquiries throughout the national territory.

Furthermore, given that the detainee was included in the lists of “The 10 Most Wanted” and in “Europe’s Most Wanted Fugitives” of Europol, the Spanish agents had the collaboration of different national and international police forces such as the National Crime Agency (NCA) or the European Network of Active Fugitive Search Teams (ENFAST).

With this arrest, there are now five fugitives detained on the “10 Most Wanted” list that began to be disseminated in May 2022 to request citizen collaboration.