He threatened his mother, detained her for almost half an hour in his house “through verbal and gestural threats, and told her that “he was going to put her in a pine box.” Now, two years after this episode occurred , the Seville Court has sentenced the aggressor, the complainant’s son, to six months in prison for a crime of coercion.

It was the woman who managed to escape on her own from the house where her son had locked her up. She had taken the keys to the main exit from him but she remembered that she had others that led to a kiosk on her property. Thus, she left the house and went to her daughter’s home, after which she reported the facts.

Everything happened on September 14, 2021 when, “for unknown reasons, the man” appeared at his mother’s home, in the AljarafeƱo municipality of Umbrete, and acted in this way, as stated in a sentence issued by the Third Section of the Court of Seville, from where this episode is considered proven.

The Court has now sentenced the son to six months in prison for the commission of a crime of coercion committed against his mother, as well as one year and seven months of separation from her, the latter end being declared extinguished “due to compliance with the removal penalty imposed by paying the precautionary measure of the same content suffered in the procedure”, order issued by the Investigative Court in charge of the case in December 2021.