Netflix seems to have hit the target with The Body on Fire, its new series, which recreates the macabre murder of Pedro Rodríguez in what is already known as “the crime of the Urban Police.” An adaptation in which the actress Úrsula Corberó plays Rosa Peral, sentenced to 25 years in prison for the murder of Rodríguez, her partner; alongside Albert López, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence and played by Quim Gutiérrez.

The series is giving a lot of talk these days, mainly because of the great performances of its protagonists; but also for the possible benefits that it could generate for those involved. Specifically, Rosa Peral has only put obstacles in the making and broadcast of the series, alleging that her right to her honor and image was endangered – something that the judge rejected.

However, Rosa Peral has asked Netflix to charge for copyright, since her image is being used in all the episodes. The former Urban Guard lost her salary as an agent and remains in prison with a remuneration of 118 euros per month for her work in the storage room of the Mas d’Enric prison (Tarragona), where she is imprisoned in these moments; in addition to not having charged anything for any of her works inspired by her.

Now, it won’t be that easy. As reported by Catalunya Ràdio’s The Morning, the lawyer of Pedro Rodríguez, murdered in the crime, has already submitted a document to the court requesting the seizure of all the benefits that Rosa Peral and Albert López may obtain from the series The Body in llamas, as, in the case of Peral, by the documentary Las Cintas de Rosa Peral.

For this reason, both audiovisual companies are asked to report on whether “there are or have been written or verbal agreements with Rosa Peral and Albert López or with persons or entities directly or indirectly linked to them, for which they have been paid or are pending payment.” pay amounts or financial compensation for any reason.”

In an interview on the aforementioned program, lawyer Juan Carlos Zayas claimed these supposed benefits as part of the civil liability derived from the crime for which both were convicted. The lawyer also denounced a removal of assets, since Rosa Peral is no longer listed as the owner of the house where the crime took place. Zayas also revealed that the victim’s family has not yet received any of the compensation of 785,000 euros that was imposed on both of them.

As Zayas explains, the lawsuit has been filed preventively to guarantee that if in the future the convicted person wins a lawsuit against Netflix that the money she receives will be used directly to cover the civil liability of the crime.

In this sense, the seventh section of the Barcelona Court, on September 7, upheld the claim of Pedro Rodríguez’s family and agreed to the seizure of “the remuneration or economic compensation that both convicts have received or are pending to receive for the commercial exploitation of the event for which this case was condemned”.

Rosa Peral’s defense, however, reiterates that the convicted person has not received any type of compensation or remuneration for any of the works that have been carried out on her person.