Ariana Grande is one of the most followed artists in the world. More so since in recent years the singer has chosen to emphasize her natural beauty and work to feel comfortable with herself. The artist is one of the pioneers of that “unfiltered” beauty, but like many other women, she still has a hard time recognizing that she was not like that in the past. Perhaps for this reason, the singer could not help but get emotional when remembering how before she resorted, perhaps excessively, to the use of fillers and Botox injections to enhance her appearance.

This was what she herself confessed during a video recorded for the Vogue Beauty Secrets space, where she confessed, while showing what her makeup routine was like, that she no longer resorted to this type of aesthetic touch-ups.

“I’m going to be totally transparent as a person dedicated to beauty, while I get my lips done,” confessed the singer, who will resume her career as an actress playing Glinda La Buena in the new film version of the musical Bewitched. “I’ve had a lot of lip filler over the years, as well as Botox. I stopped in 2018 because I felt like it was too much. I felt like I was hiding.”

The performer of hits like God is a Woman couldn’t help but get emotional when making this confession, something that her followers previously acknowledged. “For a long time, beauty was a tool to hide myself,” she admitted.

“For years, that was the goal. More hair, more and more; the thicker the eye part… That can all be nice sometimes, and I still like it. But being so exposed since I was so young, especially “When people have so much to say about your looks and stuff from a young age, it’s very difficult to know what’s worth listening to and what’s not. When you’re 17, you don’t really know,” the artist reflected.

The passing of the years, however, gave her the opportunity to change her relationship with herself or the way she understands makeup. Now, she no longer dresses up as her, but is all about accentuating her beauty.

Now, although the singer has acknowledged that she used injections and fillers in the past, but not now; She does not rule out using them in the future if she deems it necessary. “I hope my smile lines get deeper and deeper. I laugh more and more, and I think getting older can be a wonderful thing.”

The singer is currently in a calm moment after having become the protagonist of the media spotlight just a few weeks ago after the announcement of her divorce with Dalton Gomez after two years of relationship. Shortly after, it came to light that the singer had started a relationship with actor Jonathan Bailey, her co-star in Bewitched, also married at the time.