September is a month that always arrives full of news for your personal and work life. These are purposes that you will surely have to reconcile with those of your family, especially if you have children who are attending a daycare or nursery school for the first time. Going back to school is a doubly complicated time for these babies and children, as it involves a significant change in their routines and requires a period of adaptation.

The beginning of the school year can cause feelings of fear, anxiety or apathy in younger children due to the strong attachment they have to their parents. Crying, tantrums and refusal to go to school are perfectly normal situations during the adaptation period that, however, should be addressed from the beginning to prevent them from becoming entrenched. Below, we explain some symptoms of maladjustment and some tips that will help your child cope better with her new routine.

The idea of ??separating from their parents is something that causes a lot of anxiety for some children, especially the youngest ones who do not have a clear perception of time. This dependency should tend to reduce as your child adapts to the new school.

Mood changes, setbacks in development or sleep problems are some aspects that parents must pay attention to during the adaptation process. If your child becomes sadder, quieter or more disobedient, and also asks for a pacifier or bottle again, it may be a sign of poor adaptation to daycare or preschool.

The beginning of school life is a process that parents must face with enthusiasm and without nerves. It is advisable to make a progressive adaptation and that children initially only attend daycare for a few hours a day, as long as the centers allow it. Furthermore, to avoid stress and rush in the mornings, it is preferable that you get up a little earlier. On the other hand, when taking it to and picking it up from daycare, it is better that the same person is always in charge.

Saying goodbye is usually the hardest moment for babies and children starting kindergarten. It is important to do it quickly and maintain a positive and happy attitude to convey confidence and security. If necessary, let him bring a toy or stuffed animal to keep him connected to his comfort zone. Also try to keep a fluid line of communication open with the center and, when you return home, try to play with him for a while so that he can share with you the experiences he had during the day.

Even for those who already know school, returning to the routine is a complicated moment. As the years go by, changes in level or center provide new challenges for students. In these cases, the key is for parents and children to be confident in the days before and immediately after the start of classes. For example, a good idea to put laziness and shyness aside is to organize a reunion with your closest school friends during these first days.

As parents, be consistent and avoid complaining about returning to work and routine. Remember that children learn by imitation! Instead, in moments of downturn, remind your child of all the fun and stimulating experiences he has had thanks to school. Likewise, involve them in this process and invite them to prepare and organize aspects such as school supplies or the clothes they are going to wear throughout the week.