The improvement in the management of the vocational training registration processes by the Department of Education has allowed the majority of students who had applied for a place to have one awarded before September 12, the day it started the course But although the young people have mainly succeeded in entering the cycle they wanted, they have “left over” 14,600 places.

Councilor Anna Simó explained yesterday the steps that have been taken. The pre-registration process was advanced, places were reassigned in July in a public event, by voice, to prevent the centers from calling the entire waiting list by phone, as was done previously. And a new pre-registration process was opened with the vacancies between September 1 and 5. Therefore, thousands of students have been prevented from starting the course late (pre-registration in 2022 was on September 22).

Of this whole process, 1,800 were left without a place. The department has called them all “one by one” to reorient them. About 200 are already registered. There are currently 1,600 to enroll (759 intermediate and 879 higher).

Education has put up an interactive map ( which shows the vacancies (7,228 middle-level and 7,375 higher-level places) with the shifts that remain free. With this, the councilor hopes that all those who remain will enter and trusts that the rest will also be taken care of in the coming weeks and she will be able to rescue the young people who have dropped out of school.

How is it possible that if there were 19,000 people without an assigned place before the holidays, now there are 14,600 places left? It is what we could call the great renunciation. The councilor explained that there are people who pre-register for a FP in addition to high school or university. And, when choosing, they give up the training cycle. This is how around 14,500 young people have given up.

But this does not fully explain the data offered. A possible explanation is the escape to the private. Since they do not get a place in July, and in the face of the fear of not getting it in September, families could have chosen to secure a seat in the private. This would explain why the high school has not grown in students (it has decreased).

Initially, in April, a total of 95,828 places were offered, between the two degree levels, which increased Education to almost 6,900 more places (3,925 middle and 2,940 higher). This was justified by the increase in demand. Almost 96,000 people asked to study a cycle.

In July, 42,600 young people out of the 51,000 who had applied were awarded middle-level places (therefore, around 8,400 were left out). But 7,389 people resigned from the position, once awarded. They were re-incorporated into the system in September, but they have not been fully covered and 7,375 vacancies have remained. There are 759 young people waiting for a place.

In higher education, 34,000 of the 44,800 applied for places were awarded (10,800 people were left out). After the process, there were 7,228 vacancies and 880 students without a place.

“This is a live process, there may still be resignations and vacancies. It needs to be improved”, said Simó yesterday, who announced that he had met with the Minister of Universities, Quim Nadal, to start a working group to adjust the pre-registration processes.

He also announced that the orientation decree, a commitment of the Government in the March agreement with unions and employers, will not be on public display until the end of December. This means that it will not be approved until ten months from now and it will have to be applied in the 2025-2026 school year.