The acting second vice-president, Yolanda Díaz, was very harsh with the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, during his meeting yesterday with the multinational group of Sumar in Congress, where he “formally” asked him to resign from running for the investiture, an operation he described as “constitutional fraud”. Díaz considers that the plenum of investiture is a fraud, he explained, because Alberto Núñez Feijóo is not working to get the necessary supports, but has installed himself in “dismissing dynamics” against “a non-born progressive coalition government ”, and accused the PP (“those who rule the PP”) of having launched the slogan that “against a non-born coalition government, everything counts, and everything is everything”.

For Díaz, it is very serious that former president José María Aznar, with his call for “national rebellion” and his eagerness for the “destabilization of the country” is “paving the way” for Núñez Feijóo and installing the PP in an “abdication of politics” which reveals, on the one hand, in Díaz’s opinion, the “non-existence of a PP project for Spain” and which, on the other hand, is intended to camouflage “the deep crisis of leadership long live the PP”. Díaz emphasized that the situation of the right and the ultra-right is one of “desperation” due to the democratic mandate of the Spanish expressed on July 23 in the general elections. The vice-president said that “the anti-democratic drift of the right is worrisome” which, in addition, is “wasting the Spaniards’ time” when “the country needs certainties, it needs to continue progressing in terms of wages and action must be taken on the price crisis , especially, with regard to food”.

Díaz emphasized that even if he “presents himself as a moderate”, Núñez Feijóo, whose strategy today is directed by others, he insisted, has always used “Trumpist” political techniques with his political adversaries, and recalled how not he had thoughts, already 15 years ago, of using fake news and falsehoods to attack his predecessor as president of the Xunta de Galicia, the socialist Emilio Pérez Touriño, in similar terms, he said, to those he used in the televised debate with Pedro Sánchez in the last electoral campaign.

Faced with these “dismissing dynamics” and efforts to “destabilize”, Díaz asked the deputies of his parliamentary group to work from “serenity” to fulfill the “mandate of 23-J” which, he explained, is none other than “the extension of rights” and the “advancement of the country”, a task to which he asked all parliamentarians to dedicate themselves.