The Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, declared yesterday in an interview in À Punt that he will modify the Valencian Multilingualism Law “urgently” so that there are no students from the municipalities of the Spanish-speaking areas who are “forced to study History or Mathematics in Valencian”. According to the head of Education, “we want to correct this immediately.”

Asked about this matter, the Education unions with representation on the Sectoral Table are reluctant to the proposal. The coordinator of STEPV’s Union Action, Marc Candela, assures that “if they do it via law, without negotiating with the unions, we will already get off to a bad start because they will be bypassing the Education Sector Board and the opinion of the unions, which is very important.” .

Likewise, the representative of STEPV is against the proposal and defends that “students have to have more Valencian and especially in those regions because, if not, we are making second-class citizens since they will need Valencian to opt for Education or have merits in the Public Service, for example”.

For their part, the CCOO-PV Education Federation explains that they will remain firm in defending the linguistic rights of students. “Valencian is our language and we are not going to allow any step backwards. In everything that involves negotiating, agreeing and speaking to improve the educational and linguistic rights of students and teachers, we will be at their side; in everything that involves attacks on rights linguistic problems, we will be against it,” explains Rafael Martínez, Secretary of Public Education at CCOO-PV Ensenyament.

For the representative of UGT-PV, Rovira’s decision is “a dangerous situation. Explains Javier González Zurita, responsible for Public Education at UGT-PV, that this revision of plurilingualism in the Valencian classes that the conseller of that branch is planting” is not It’s necessary, it’s not urgent, it’s just a way to cut back on the Valencian language and return to systems that have already been surpassed.”

Furthermore, González Zurita considers that using the formalism of the Law of Accompaniment of the Budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for 2024, as Rovira has explained that he will do to introduce the changes, gives an idea of ??”the barbarity that they want to do, not for a leisurely debate and calm of the law, but as a political and ideological issue that is not necessary.

Finally, the regional president of CSIF Education, José Seco, assures that they will wait for the final draft of the text because it will influence the day-to-day life of educational centers. Seco recalls that they have already taken the first version of the Botànic’s multilingualism decree to court because “neither of the two languages ??can be minimized” and from that position they hope that the learning of the two official languages ??will also be guaranteed in the proposal that has already been made. prepares the new Consell.