French President Emmanuel Macron has denounced that his country’s ambassador to Niger is being held “hostage” by the coup plotters who hold power in that country.

The ambassador, Sylvain Itté, and several diplomats have been “literally taken hostage” in the French embassy in Niamey, Macron said in a conversation with French journalists who accompanied him on an internal displacement.

He explained that the diplomat “cannot leave” and that the military prevents food from entering the diplomatic legation, which must be fed with “military rations.” Furthermore, he cannot leave the embassy and has been declared “persona non grata.”

The crisis began when the military took control of the country on July 26 and demanded the expulsion of the French ambassador at the end of August. France has refused to comply with this request, arguing that the military government does not have the authority to make such a demand. The president of the French republic said that the new government in Niger has denounced military cooperation agreements with France and is seeking the rapid withdrawal of French troops present in the country.

Macron expressed his intention to coordinate with the legitimate president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, to take action in this situation. Despite the military takeover in that country.