After a long winter condemned to oblivion, the feet once again regain the prominence that they should never have lost due to the approach of those months of the year when it is time to wear sandals, flip-flops and other footwear that makes them exposed. And that means you have to give them a good pampering session. However, if you only want to provide basic and simple care, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. It is possible to do a pedicure at home only by following a series of essential tips.
Getting the necessary products for this is possibly the most laborious part of the process. Although there are pedicure sets with everything ready to get to work, there are those who prefer to purchase each object separately. Basic products to stock up on include nail polish remover, cotton wool, nail clippers, a file, and a scrub. To this we must add cuticle oil, an orange stick and nail polish. To finish, a moisturizing lotion.
Once all the products necessary for the pedicure have been collected, the next thing will be to find a quiet space at home, put on relaxing music, a series or a podcast in the background, depending on your tastes, and start the process.