The National Court resumes this Tuesday the trial of the former president of the Valencian Generalitat Francisco Camps and more than twenty defendants for alleged irregular awards to the Gürtel plot, with the last witnesses of the procedure and about to face their expert phase.

After the summer break, the second criminal section resumes the oral hearing that began eight months ago, on January 23, and in which the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office requests two and a half years in prison and 10 years of disqualification for the former president. of the Generalitat and the Valencian PP for alleged fraud and prevarication.

It will do so with the last expected witnesses from among the more than one hundred who have already passed through the National Court.

After his statement, the expert phase of the trial will begin, in which the Police inspector who has directed the investigations into the Gürtel macro-case, Manuel Morocho, is scheduled to testify on Wednesday.

Once the court hears all the experts, the final conclusions of the parties will be made, probably already in October, the month in which the Chamber plans to end the trial.

There are almost thirty defendants who sit in the dock for alleged irregularities in public awards to the Gürtel network in the Valencian Community between 2004 and 2009.

In addition to Camps, three of his former councilors are accused (Alicia de Miguel, Manuel Cervera and Luis Rosado) and other former senior officials such as the former deputy secretary of organization of the Valencian PP David Serra.

Around a dozen defendants have acknowledged the facts in accordance with an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office, among them the main ringleaders of Gürtel, who are already serving extensive sentences; while Camps, the former ministers and many of the former senior officials have categorically denied having committed any crime.

Furthermore, from the beginning of the trial, Camps, who in his statement openly distanced himself from Gürtel and flatly denied having favored his companies, denounced a “ferocious persecution” by Anti-Corruption and spoke of his “secret and obscene pacts” with some accused, which earned him a harsh response from the prosecutor.