Social networks have become a fundamental part of today’s society. A series of spaces where you can find out, from about the world to what happens in a small circle of friends, share experiences, express yourself emotionally and artistically, or simply show who we are and what we do on a daily basis. And all this, as it could not be otherwise, also greatly influences the romantic panorama. Although it is true that it does not always happen, sometimes social networks affect relationships.

This may be due to each person’s activity in them, for example, in relation to the people they like or the types of publications that are consumed. Also for reasons like who they have on their contact list. And, of course, what is published. Although one of the reasons for frequent discussion or distrust among couples has more to do with what is not published. Specifically, when it is shared with family, friends, acquaintances, but nothing with the partner.

There are different profiles of people on social networks depending on the activity they carry out on them. There are those who never publish, or do so rarely, and only consume the content of others. It is also possible that they focus their account on another series of aspects away from the most private part of their life. In these cases, there would probably be no reason to be surprised that you don’t share anything about your relationship, just as you probably don’t share anything with friends or family.

However, if the only person excluded from your environment is your romantic partner, it would be understandable if this generates doubt and concern in that other party. Since the big question arises: “why don’t you publish me on your networks?” It tends to be thought that sharing images or mentioning the couple on social networks is a way to formalize the bond, in addition to reinforcing it. At the end of the day, this person is given his place and the rest are informed that he is not available romantically speaking, there is a commitment.

Therefore, the first thing you might think is that, by not publishing anything, this person wants to make themselves available and accessible to others. That is, keep the relationship a secret. But the truth is that there are other reasons for this to happen.

A fairly common one has to do with that person not being prepared to make the relationship official, since they do not feel sure about it or if it is the right person. This reason can often be accompanied by another reason: the fear of being judged. For example, how the person’s environment will react, whether they will receive criticism or negative comments. In any case, if this is a problem or a source of discomfort for the couple, it is always best to talk about it.