More than a month after he was arrested after confessing to the murder and subsequent dismemberment of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, Daniel Sancho remains in provisional prison on the Thai island of Samui waiting for the trial to be held, while the Police finalize their investigation. .

The son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, 29 years old, has already received visits from his two parents. His father stayed a few days and went with the lawyer who leads the legal representation team in Spain – they still need to hire a local lawyer for the trial -, Marcos García Montes; while his mother remains on the island, visiting her son every day and trying to adapt to this new situation.

The last reappearance of the investment analyst, who had only been seen once since Rodolfo Sancho landed in Thailand, was at the Samui Court, where she went precisely to carry out a procedure that the protagonist of The Lady, and that would demonstrate the lack of communication that exists between the former couple.

Bronchalo also appeared with a new image, a sign that he is adapting to life in the Asian country. The analyst has cut her hair, because right now we are experiencing the monsoon season in the Asian country, with a high probability of rain and a lot of heat. In a tropical climate like this, it is best to be as comfortable as possible.

Despite her intentions, Daniel Sancho’s mother did not achieve her goal of becoming her son’s legal representative. As journalist Alejandro Rodríguez revealed in TardeAR, Bronchalo would have tried to deliver a power of attorney over the representation of his son and be able to make decisions on his behalf, something that Rodolfo Sancho already did two weeks ago. However, it was not signed by Daniel himself.

”The head of the court that will handle Daniel’s case has rejected this power of attorney. He hasn’t admitted it. “He has demanded more documents from him because he has not considered it valid, as if he had done so with Sancho’s power of attorney,” the reporter confessed. ”Daniel Sancho signed Rodolfo Sancho’s power of attorney in his own handwriting. He has not done it with his mother’s from what sources close to the provincial court have told us.’

The Police, who interrogated Sancho for at least three days at the Phangan police station and carried out reconstructions of the crime with the help of the Spaniard, have continued working on the case after the accused entered prison. Although it depends on how long the police investigation and the Prosecutor’s Office report drag on, the trial could take place at the end of the year, according to legal sources.

Thailand provides capital punishment for crimes such as premeditated murder, although this is usually later commuted to life imprisonment. Based on a bilateral agreement between Spain and Thailand, Daniel Sancho could request a transfer to a Spanish prison after serving at least four years of his sentence, as long as this is not the capital punishment and is authorized by both countries.