President Joe Biden received applause from the UN General Assembly in his speech when he warned Russia that there will be consequences for the “dumbing down” carried out in Ukraine and, in addition, he appealed to world leaders to invest in Kyiv, “ because this is investing in the future of all of us,” he stated. He told the world but he may have to convince Republicans in Washington first.

While, in the absence of Vladimir Putin, the Russian ambassador Vasili Nebenzia pretended to be looking at some papers, the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelensky, heartily applauded the intervention of the American president and the main support for his deployment in the defense and counterattack against the invader.

Biden stressed that sovereignty and territorial integrity are essential pieces of the founding Charter of the United Nations, principles that Moscow attacks with its military aggression. “For the second year in a row we find ourselves with this illegal war, the sole responsibility of which lies with Russia and only Russia prevents peace,” he said.

“Russia believes that the world will become cautious and allow the brutalization of Ukraine without consequences,” he warned. “But you must ask yourself: if we abandon the basic principles of the UN Charter to appease aggression, can any of the members feel confident that they are protected? If we allow Ukraine to be divided, is the independence of our nations assured?” Biden asked.

He himself replied: “The answer is no. We must stop this aggression to stop other aggressions in the future.” In this way, the president reiterated that this is the reason why the United States, with allies and partners around the world, “must continue alongside the brave people of Ukraine, as we defend sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom”.

This issue can also be linked to the commitment of the United States to seek formulas to expand the Security Council, the executive arm of the UN, both with permanent members (today there are five, the US, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and China, with veto power), and non-permanent ones (now ten) that offer a better global representation of the 21st century. He assured that he is making consultations with other countries. “We must break the blockade that prevents consensus and we need more voices and new ideas,” she said.

Biden reiterated the US’ global support role in the improvement of other nations, where he placed special emphasis on Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, as well as the fight against the climate emergency and the defense of democracy. She further stressed that she seeks responsible competition with China, not creating a conflict. “We want to reduce the tension,” she remarked.