The military training of Princess Leonor de Borbón, which began last August with her entry into the General Military Academy (AGM) of Zaragoza, added a new step this Tuesday by receiving, along with the rest, cadets of the first course (560 in total), a saber from the hands of his second-year classmates.

The act represents the obtaining of the title of knight or lady cadet and is materialized with the delivery of that saber, which is the symbol of officer status.

“By obtaining this title, one acquires the obligation to embrace the ideals of honor, courage and loyalty included in the Cadet Decalogue,” the Army states on its website. Despite its importance for young soldiers, it is a private event that is not attended by their families or other guests.

The event was chaired by General Manuel Pérez López, director of the AGM. Immediately afterwards, the number one cadets of the first and second classes gave speeches in which they highlighted the life of service, dedication, dedication and selflessness that they have chosen and their firm commitment to facing the harshness of military life with the purpose of becoming in the officers who inspire the “spirit of La General”.

Finally, the newly admitted cadets, including Princess Leonor, have formed in groups of nine people to receive their saber from their second year classmates.

This ceremony took place after a week ago the heir received the grancé beret after having passed the training tests within the basic training module and which certified the wearer as a combatant of the Army.

After today’s presentation of sabers, the next event marked in red on the calendar of the knights or ladies cadets is October 6, when they will be presented to the Virgin of the Pilar in the Basilica to invoke her protection. This event serves as a prelude to the swearing-in of the flag, which will be held the morning of the next day. With the kiss to the national flag the oath or promise to defend Spain is materialized even at the cost of one’s own life.

On August 17, Princess Leonor arrived in Zaragoza to begin a journey that will lead her to be, as the future queen of Spain, captain general of the Armed Forces. That day she came accompanied by her parents, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, and her sister Sofía, who is currently studying her first year of high school at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales (the same one in which she did his sister)

The slogan that has been launched since then is that the heir to the Crown receives similar treatment to the rest of her colleagues. He sleeps in a shared bunk bed, follows the same routines and training as the rest and has enjoyed some group outings, such as a visit to a bar in the university area with his classmates or another to a store to buy study materials.

Furthermore, last weekend she and her colleagues were able to enjoy their first leave to be with their families at home after having carried out military maneuvers for ten days in the San Gregorio field. The Princess of Asturias took advantage of her departure to attend the birthday celebration of her mother, who turned 51 last Friday.

The specific study plan designed by the Royal Family and the Government for the princess contemplates that at the AGM she will study two courses condensed into one. Since her admission, Lady Cadet Borbón has already completed the basic military training module for combatants and has learned military techniques and practiced shooting with an assault rifle.

After the oath of flag, she will be regrouped with her second-year classmates, and will begin to study the strictly military subjects of the Infantry specialty, the same one that her father, the monarch Felipe VI, once chose. After concluding her studies in the Aragonese capital in July 2024 with her appointment as Cadet Lady Ensign, the specific plan also contemplates that she continue her training at the Marín Navy Academy (Pontevedra) and, the following year, at the Aire de San Javier (Murcia).