69% of Catalan women are in favor of Catalan being an official language of the European Union, according to the latest Omnibus survey prepared by the Center for Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Generalitat.

This is clear from the two waves of the Omnibus survey, carried out simultaneously, and which were drawn up from a random sample of 2,464 people for the first wave and 2,564 for the second.

The surveys were carried out between May 2 and June 30, before the member countries decided this week to postpone the vote on the official status of Catalan in the EU, one of the demands of the independence movement to support an eventual investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government.

The percentage of support for the official status of Catalan shoots up to 92% among Catalan speakers, while it stands at 53% among Spanish speakers and 57% among those who regularly use other languages.

And it is also the majority among the pro-independence parties, the Commons (81%) and the PSC (60%), while support does not reach 50% among PP and Vox voters, and is right in the middle between Cs sympathizers.

The Òmnibus survey also asks about the degree of relationship between the European Union and sub-state governments, such as the Generalitat: 40% of Catalans consider it “insufficient”.

This feeling is majority among the supporters of JxCat (83%), the CUP (79%) and ERC (67%), while those close to the PP and Vox consider that the relationship of the European Union with sub-state governments is “excessive.” “.