The crime committed by the Urban Police is once again in the news after the publication on Netflix of the series The Body on Fire and a new documentary, The Tapes of Rosa Peral. Two authentic ratings successes on the platform, which have also brought Rosa Peral back to the fore, who is serving 25 years in prison for the murder of Pedro Rodríguez, who was her partner.

Both programs have caused both Rosa Peral and some members of her family, such as her father, to appear on television to defend their innocence, for which many suspect that Peral could have obtained some type of financial gain. An order to seize any income she may receive weighs on her, something that Pedro Rodríguez’s lawyer, Juan Carlos Zayas, wanted to remember.

He did so on El matí de Catalunya Radio, to defend the name of the victim, Pedro Rodríguez, and talk about the latest events surrounding this case. Zayas has been very forceful, especially with the words of Peral herself in an interview with Catalunya Ràdio last Wednesday the 20th, highlighting a detail that seems to be unclear: Is Rosa Peral charging anything for the Netflix series and documentary?

Although the woman convicted of the murder of Pedro Rodríguez assures that she is not receiving anything, Zayas has serious doubts about it. The lawyer is forceful: “I have to tell the truth. We knew that he had not charged anything for the series, and they tell us the same about the documentary, but I have asked the court to investigate if this is true, that he has not and will not charge in a future”.

Zayas is very insistent on this issue, as he maintains that if Peral has dedicated himself to giving these interviews on television – especially after trying to hijack the Netflix series through judicial means – he could have received some type of benefit. “Man, if she has participated in a series of interviews, the most normal thing is that some type of compensation has been agreed upon. That is why I have asked for information and, if the information is positive, that the accounts be seized.”

On September 16, the Barcelona Court agreed to seize any income that Rosa Peral and Albert López may collect from Netflix for their image rights. As reported by judicial sources, the court accepted the request of the lawyer for the private prosecution filed by the relatives of the agent who was murdered, so that the convicted persons cannot collect from the platform until they are paid the nearly 800,000 euros in compensation that they received. set the sentence.

Pedro Rodríguez’s lawyer confirmed that they have asked the court to investigate whether Rosa Peral has been paid for the documentary or the series, to investigate. The same for Albert López, who although he has remained silent on the issue, has also requested that it be investigated.