The lawyer of Albert López, sentenced to 20 years along with Rosa Peral (sentenced to 25 years) for the murder of Pedro Rodríguez in 2017, José Luis Bravo, denounced this Thursday to La Vanguardia that the management of the Quatre Camins prison in which he is serving his sentence has restricted all communications with the outside world and only allows him to telephone his lawyer and after prior authorization from those in charge on duty. Bravo has shown his discomfort at the measure that, according to what Albert López himself has communicated to him, the prison management has justified to him because in his list of ten trusted and authorized telephone numbers that he can call there is that of two journalists.

Two telephone numbers of two journalists who were authorized by the center’s management two years ago, as López has tried to remind the officials, and this will be included by Bravo in the document that he was finishing on Thursday afternoon to present as soon as possible to the prison surveillance judge.

In recent months, Albert López has not opened his mouth and has maintained the discretion that he has shown since he was convicted and when the appeal to the Supreme Court on which he had placed all his hopes for a review of the sentence failed. López entered Quatre Camins and has not moved from that penitentiary center where he has completed law studies, several degrees in English and some computer and programming training cycles that allowed him, together with another prisoner, to create and direct the prison website that serves to market the products that are made in the prison workshops.

Although he has not been short of requests from many media outlets to speak, coinciding with the premiere of the series “The Body on Fire” and the documentary that supports the thesis of the other condemned “The Ribbons of Rosa”, Albert López has He preferred to remain silent and not evaluate either the series or the documentary, or the latest interviews that both Peral and his father have conducted. Interviews in which they have once again pointed out López as the only person responsible for the crime of Pedro Rodríguez, despite the sentence that maintains that it was the two of them who were in charge of murdering and making the body of the Barcelona urban guard disappear.

As a result of these interviews, Justice has opened a disciplinary file against Rosa Peral, who is in the Mas Enric penitentiary center, in Tarragona. Her lawyer reported this week that her cell was inspected by surprise and her communications have been restricted, but there is no evidence that she has been prohibited from stopping talking to her father and her brother.