She has been one of the women who reported him for mistreatment, and whose situation is classified as ‘high risk’ in the Viogén Comprehensive Monitoring System, who has informed the Civil Guard of Seville that her attacker has stripped himself of his the control bracelet that protected her and through which the alarms go off if the man breaks the restraining order against her.

Now, agents of the Civil Guard are working to locate, arrest and bring to justice this individual against whom there are complaints of mistreatment by several women and who has accumulated different sentences for this reason.

One of the judicial measures imposed on the man in one of these sentences was to have a telematic control bracelet to have him geolocated and protect the victim of sexist violence, so that if he intends to violate the restraining order the alarms go off. and the authorities can act quickly to save the woman. However, the convicted man has gotten rid of it, according to Diario de Sevilla.

The bracelet remains active but has not moved for weeks while the woman has reported him again, and now nine times, for breaking the distance on other occasions and for threats.

The abuser’s whereabouts are unknown and the Benemérita have been trying to locate him for several weeks to bring him before Justice again.