The British monarchy – thanks above all to Elizabeth II – is one of the world institutions with the greatest soft power, that capacity for influence and seduction that is difficult to measure but fundamental. During his visit to France, Charles III is showing himself to be a worthy heir to his mother in this area, even less constricted. He exudes sympathy, looks into the eyes of his interlocutors, is interested in what they tell him, does not flinch if they touch him and makes constant jokes, with irony and style. French analysts sense Camilla’s influence.

One of the duties of the king of England, like all constitutional monarchs, is to use his soft power to transmit the political messages that his Government wants. This is what he did yesterday in the French Senate. In his speech, almost all in impeccable French, Charles III acted as a speaker for Downing Street’s firm position since the start of the Ukrainian war. He predicted that “Ukraine will triumph,” and to achieve that victory he pleaded for the support and unwavering determination of London and Paris.

The clear words of the British sovereign acquired particular relevance due to the delicate context, in the face of a counteroffensive against the Russian invaders that runs into many difficulties and when serious differences emerge between Kyiv and some of its main allies.

According to the English king, cooperation between France and the United Kingdom is “indispensable”, now and in the future, to guarantee international peace. He recalled, in this sense, that both countries have a permanent seat and veto power in the UN Security Council, they are members of the G-7 and NATO. The monarch evoked the figures of General Charles de Gaulle and Winston Churchill. The first fled to London in June 1940 and from there he called for resistance against the Nazi occupiers. Churchill launched the daring idea of ??merging the two countries to better confront Hitler’s Germany.

“Today, more than 80 years after having fought, side by side, for the liberation of Europe, we once again face unjustified aggression on our continent,” said Charles III, without mentioning Russia by name. “Our determination and our alliance are more important than ever,” he stressed, while promising lasting support for Ukraine until victory.

The king of England was able to introduce topics that he likes, such as the fight against the climate emergency and the protection of biodiversity. He encouraged the governments of the two countries and their companies to act vigorously. “Together, our potential is limitless,” he emphasized.

The royal couple had time to travel to the peripheral town of Saint-Denis, with a complicated social environment, which will house several of the main facilities for the 2024 Olympic Games. Accompanied by Brigitte Macron, Carlos and Camilla spoke with the participants in several sports workshops. The queen of England and the wife of the French president briefly played ping-pong, the latter proving more skilled than the former with the racket. Carlos III, always natural and professional, exchanged jokes with a former rugby player regarding the world championship being held in France. The king had the opportunity to greet several PSG players and its president, the Qatari Naser al Jelaifi. Brigitte and Camilla visited a Chanel haute couture workshop.

Another important event of the day was at Notre Dame, where the royal couple was explained the evolution of the works to restore the temple destroyed by the fire in April 2019 in all its splendor. The king was also at the Natural History Museum . Macron took the opportunity to thank his guest for “the boost to biodiversity” that he has been giving for many years.

Neither Carlos nor Camilla – 74 and 76 years old, respectively – exhibited any apparent signs of fatigue despite constant public commitments. On Wednesday they picked up late, as there was the state dinner in Versailles, which concluded with a brief dance. Another very active day awaits them today, Friday, with various events in Bordeaux, including a visit to an organic vineyard, before returning to London.

The memory of Isabel II is very present in the visit. She has been mentioned in all of her speeches. Carlos said of her that she was “the golden thread that will always shine” in “the rich and complex tapestry” of relations between the two countries.

Before going to Notre Dame, the kings of England stopped by the nearby flower market, which was visited by Elizabeth II during her last stay in Paris, in June 2014, and which now bears her name. One of the anecdotes of the day occurred there. Carlos and Camilla were accompanied by the mayor of Paris, the socialist of Cadiz origin Anne Hidalgo. It was raining. Each one carried her own umbrella: black for the king, transparent fiber for the queen and Hidalgo. The mayor’s ruling in 2014 is still remembered, which was captured in an uncomfortable photo. Isabel II, 88 years old, held her own umbrella, while an assistant held the mayor’s umbrella. Yesterday Hidalgo corrected the error. She was carrying hers. The unpopular mayor has learned a little soft power.