Malaga says ‘no’ to becoming the scene of crazy bachelor party celebrations. In the city there will be no room for anyone to walk naked through the streets or to display items of a sexual nature within the framework of these festivities, attitudes that will be sanctioned with fines of up to 750 euros once the Ordinance for the Guarantee of Citizen Coexistence is passed. and Protection of Urban Space expressly includes this prohibition, which is expected to come into force at the beginning of October.

A year ago, the Malaga City Council announced this change in the regulations in order to “preserve public space as a place of meeting, coexistence and civility”, and now, after passing several procedures and having the approval of the Commission to the opinion, all that remains is for the change to be approved in the next Plenary Session on September 27 and for it to be published in its entirety in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) to become a reality.

The city does not want to become a meeting point for parties of these characteristics, given that in recent years there has been a proliferation of bachelor parties in the capital that can cause inconvenience for residents. The council no longer wants nudity in the street or people in underwear, as stated in the ordinance, just as it wants to eliminate people who walk through public spaces with “clothes or accessories that represent the genitals of human beings, and with dolls or elements of a sexual nature”.

The objective of the municipal government is to have a new regulation that allows “preserving public space as a place of meeting, coexistence and civility.” The ordinance is based on “a principle of guaranteeing individual rights and freedoms and adjusts punitive measures to the principle of minimum intervention,” the City Council emphasizes. In this way, individual conduct is only classified as infractions to the extent that it affects or impedes the free exercise of other people.

“In short, this new regulation is intended to put a stop to some uncivil behaviors that may disrupt coexistence between residents and visitors to our city,” underlines the City Council.

The Police will be in charge of enforcing the new rule. To this end, in the event of an infraction, the agents will proceed to inform the people involved about these prohibitions and “only if the unacceptable attitude persists, will the pertinent complaint be filed.” Failure to comply with these instructions will result in a fine of 750 euros, a sanction corresponding to a minor offence.

The measures adopted range from noise control to more striking actions such as prohibiting going down the street with accessories in the shape of genitals on the head, with sexual dolls or in underwear.

The climate of Malaga is an attraction for groups of friends who want to celebrate their farewells. Numerous businesses have proliferated around this trend that thrive on offering all types of services to make the holidays unforgettable. There are venues that promise music, dinner and fun; others offer trips to the sea with boats where the party takes place; companies that offer food with special decoration… A whole mechanism that generates wealth and employment in the area, although it does not prevent participants from overindulging once the establishments close.

Málaga has been the first Spanish city to put a stop to these celebrations, but city councils such as Granada, Seville, León, Logroño and Salamanca have taken note of this and are working to regulate these gatherings in their territories.