The crime committed by the Urban Police is one of the most high-profile cases of the year. The murder that took place six years ago has become a trending topic after the premiere of the series The Body on Fire on Netflix, which was followed by the documentary The Tapes of Rosa Peral.

The protagonist of the crime, Rosa Peral, was convicted along with her lover Albert López for murdering her partner, a colleague named Pedro Rodríguez, in May 2017. Peral has been serving her sentence since then, although she has taken advantage of the media hype to defend her innocence.

The growing popularity of the case makes many suspect that Peral could be obtaining financial compensation, something that the inmate has denied at all times. An order to seize any income she may receive weighs on her, something that Pedro Rodríguez’s lawyer, Juan Carlos Zayas, has recalled this last week.

In an interview with El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio, the alleged murderer spoke about what her life is like in prison, confessing that she is pursuing a degree to be able to rebuild her life when her sentence ends: “I am studying law in case at some point “I get out of here and have a life again.”

Likewise, Rosa Peral has revealed the amount she earns in prison: “Working is what allows me to study and so on. The salaries here are not enormous. We earn 118 euros per month, of which we pay 20% civil liability. The way of living here is not a relaxed life” he reveals.

As for television projects, Rosa claims to have not charged a single euro: “I have not charged anything for either the documentary or the series. I have only earned that people try to bring me down and nothing more,” she explains in the interview. Although the idea of ??the convicted woman was to make the project profitable by collecting image rights, a court in Barcelona does not allow it, since that money is used to pay the compensation they owe to the family of the victim, Pedro Rodríguez.