The feminist movement of the Valencian Community has gathered this Saturday, International Day against sexual exploitation and trafficking of women, girls and boys, in Valencia, Castelló and Alicante to demand the abolition of prostitution.

At the València rally, which was held in the Plaza de la Virgen, banners were displayed with slogans such as “Without prostitution there is no trafficking. We demand an abolitionist law now” or “Prostitution is not a job, it is sexual violence”, and slogans such as “No woman is born a whore” or “Feminism is abolitionist” have been chanted.

The organizers have read a manifesto in which they have highlighted that sexual exploitation and trafficking exist because prostitution needs them to sustain itself and have asked to think about the victims who “have been dispossessed of their rights” thanks to “the whoremongers”, as well as such as political decisions being taken “now” to eradicate prostitution.

For this reason, they have demanded that the proposals that were pending at the end of the last legislature be presented again in Les Corts Valencianes to modify the autonomous highway and entertainment laws and incorporate “abolitionist content” and put an end to “the impunity of traffickers.” , pimps and whores”.

He has also requested that abolitionist municipal ordinances be processed and approved in all Valencian municipalities, with special mention to the Alicante City Council, whose “shame” ordinance in an “unacceptable, reprehensible and indefensible” way punishes victims and whoremongers, for what they consider should be repealed.

Likewise, they have demanded that the Valencia City Council, where the processing of the ordinance was “blocked by Compromís”, and that of Castelló “set an example, as the reference City Councils that they are in the Valencian Community, and show their political commitment” with a autonomous Equality law and approve an abolitionist ordinance.

Regarding the next Government of Spain, they have considered that it should have as a priority the approval of an Abolitionist law of the Prostitutional System, such as the one prepared jointly by women with feminist training and with biographies marked by prostitutional activity, and by jurists and experts with international recognition. on issues of Equality and defense of the rights of minors and women.

“The Valencian feminist movement is abolitionist, and this rally is a joint act in which the Abolitionist Front-PV, the Feminist Congress Party and the Confluence of the Feminist Movement want to make it clear that there is no division among Valencian feminist women” on their assessment of pornographic and prostitutional activity, they say.

“It is an activity that commercializes the dehumanization of minors and women, and monetizes the ‘consensual’ cancellation of their rights. It is patriarchal barbarism whitewashed as a ‘work option’ and ‘business,'” they stated in the manifesto.