One person has died and another has been injured after suffering a bite during the bullfighting festivities in the street of La Pobla de Farnals (Valencia), health sources have confirmed to EFE today.

Both suffered a seizure this Saturday at the aforementioned celebrations and after being treated at the scene, they were transferred to the Clinical Hospital of Valencia.

One of them, the one who was in the most serious condition, was taken directly to the operating room to undergo surgery, and finally died.

The other person had bull horn wounds on both legs, but was hemodynamically stable.

At the moment, she is stable in the Adult Resuscitation and Critical Care Unit (REA), after having undergone surgery for the wounds she had in both legs and this Sunday she will have surgery for the wound in one hand.

According to several media outlets, they are two older men, and the deceased was known in the local business community.