Summer vacations are very necessary and beneficial: you disconnect from work to connect with yourself, recharge your batteries and make plans with friends, forgetting about obligations and… training. Don’t worry! You still have half a year ahead of you to properly prepare for the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona. So first, we leave you 5 recommendations so that returning from vacation doesn’t feel so difficult:

Stick to sneakers with shorter, lower-intensity workouts. As you get back into shape, your own body will ask you to increase the duration and intensity of your outings.

Warm up and stretch, do it, seriously. It is crucial especially in the first training sessions after the summer. You will regain elasticity, agility and avoid discomfort or injuries.

Although it is true that you should do strength work throughout the season, when you return from a break it is the first step to not force the machine and to progressively adapt the joints to higher effort exercise. By recovering muscle mass, you improve your resistance and your running performance. But if weights or the gym aren’t your thing, you can get back in shape by practicing other sports that are less harmful to your joints, riding a bicycle or swimming. Cross training helps both physically and psychologically to return to routine, in addition to working on strength and recovering aerobic capacity.

In summer there are few schedules, few limits and little planning or restrictions. And that is good and necessary for our mental health, so don’t judge yourself for it. Therefore, it is important to gradually recover a balanced diet, sleep schedules, and above all, listen to our body.

Beyond the typical, such as changing ice creams and beers for vegetables and fruit, it is important to re-plan your daily menu, adapted to your day-to-day needs, your morphology and your lifestyle. At first it is difficult (we know it and you know it), but you also know that your body ends up thanking you once you want to perform physically again. And so, you get acclimatized to face the training plan starting in November.

Another tip that is very easy to say and more difficult to achieve. If the first week after returning to your routine you can’t rest or eat well or train as much as you would like, don’t worry, you’re human. The important thing is that you are constant and increase your demands on your body and your abilities progressively. Don’t stress if in the first post-summer sessions you don’t reach your desired race pace. Set yourself realistic goals, adapted to your state of fitness at all times and you will advance. Otherwise, rushing and overexerting yourself will increase your chances of getting injured.

So, be patient and remember: Barcelona awaits you!