Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently one of the great dominators of the digital world. In recent years, its incursion has caused radical changes not only in the internet sector but also in business, the way of relating, buying or chatting. A while ago it seemed impossible to create such realistic images of anything simply by issuing a command and clicking a button. However, today you can take everything from photographs in a matter of seconds to creating long texts on art history. And it goes further, a large part of the tools we use daily work thanks to artificial intelligence. In this way, AI has totally transformed—and almost without us realizing it—our lives. The emergence of “machines” capable of doing tasks that until very recently only a human could do has led to the emergence of different training programs to specialize in the world of artificial intelligence. This is the case of prompts.

Prompts could be defined as the instructions, orders or questions that are asked to an artificial intelligence or technological system so that it is able to generate a response immediately. In other words, prompts are responsible for making artificial intelligence work and give us what we ask for. For example, ChatGPT showing you an art history text in seconds, DALL.E creating a completely realistic image of the famous person you want in the place you want, or Siri setting an alarm following your instructions are everyday examples of prompts.

For there to be prompts, it is necessary that there be so-called prompt engineers, a recently created profession with high demand due to the rise of AI. Prompt engineers are capable of sending instructions to the AI ​​that are as precise and effective as possible with the ultimate goal of optimizing the responses of the artificial intelligence in question.

In addition to prompt engineering, AI also needs other professions to continue revolutionizing the world in which we live. Among them, specialists in all legislation on the use and application of artificial intelligence stand out, experts in linguistics or philology, that is, so that an AI is capable of completely mastering the language or experts in robotic automation to automate the tasks that be repetitive or tedious.