The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued a detailed forecast, anticipating a series of unusual atmospheric phenomena that will affect Spain in the coming weeks. The main event to take into account is the entry of multiple Atlantic fronts, which will begin to affect the country starting Monday, September 25 and will extend at least until the following Sunday.
Previous AEMET forecasts had already indicated a high incidence of rain and storms in much of the Spanish territory, thanks to the presence of a DANA and other Atlantic fronts. Now, the new statement highlights the entry of a “train of fronts” and a “wavy polar jet” that will have a significant impact on the country’s climatic conditions, putting an end to the San Miguel summer.
The first thing on the agenda for this meteorological wave is a front that will bring mild precipitation to Galicia and the western Cantabrian area. Starting on Wednesday, another front will intensify the rains in the northern half of the peninsula and the Balearic archipelago. The weekend of September 30 to October 1 will maintain the same trend: rains centered mainly in the northwest of the peninsula and the Pyrenees.
One of the highlights of the forecast is the expected thermal anomaly. According to maps published by AEMET, there will be a generalized and intensive increase in temperatures until October 15. The week of October 2 to 8 will be especially warm, particularly in the southeast of the peninsula, while precipitation will also be more intense than usual.
The conditions described represent an anomaly compared to the climate trends of the last 20 years, according to the European Center prediction model (extended EPS). However, the last week of the analyzed period, from October 9 to 15, will show a slight decrease in temperatures, although they will still remain above normal levels for the time of year. As for precipitation, they will be less anomalous this week, getting closer to what would be expected for autumn.
In this way, the coming weeks in Spain will be characterized by intense and atypical meteorological activity, with multiple Atlantic fronts, widespread rainfall and an unusual increase in temperatures, followed by a decrease more in line with the autumn season.