The power of mobile phone cameras is one of the aspects that most concern the companies that manufacture them, with the aim of offering users notable improvements every time they launch a new model. Today, our smartphones have the ability to take photographs and record videos with impressive quality, which sometimes has nothing to envy of a professional camera.

Although there are many people who use their phone’s camera for professional purposes, the truth is that most ordinary people use them to capture moments that we want to treasure as memories or moments that we want to publish on our social networks. That coffee with a drawing in the foam, the phrase from a book you are reading, a breathtaking sunset or a nice moment starring your pet.

Perhaps after investing a considerable sum of money in your smartphone, partly because of the power of your camera; and after trying hard to get the perfect angle when pressing the button to take the photo or video, what you hope will be an outstanding result to accumulate ‘likes’ on Instagram. But for reasons unknown to you, when you publish your image or video the quality decreases considerably.

When you publish content on Instagram – be it a story, a normal post in your feed or a Reel – the application checks its size and the weight it occupies, with the aim of not overloading its system. Therefore, when the standards of our file exceed its limits, it compresses it. The result is that that photograph that is displayed in high definition in your phone’s gallery begins to look blurry and almost pixelated in your Instagram Stories.

This loss of quality can also be due to your internet connection. If you have a slow or poor connection, your WiFi does not work very well, you are short on data or have poor coverage, it is likely that Instagram will have no choice but to reduce the quality of your content in order to publish them using the weak connection that has. But there is a solution to remedy this problem.

When this feature is enabled, your content will be uploaded at the highest quality, even if it takes longer to upload. While if it is disabled, Instagram will automatically adjust the quality of the images to adapt to network conditions.