Adolescence is an effervescent, impulsive, contradictory stage. In general, boys and girls quickly develop an adult body while maturing their character at a slower pace. The cocktail of challenging and carefree youthful energy with a difficult family and social framework can generate serious behaviors that end in violence.

The journalist and historian César Alcalá and the forensic psychiatrist Blanca Navarro have established a range of characters that explain the different types of criminal minors in the book “Psychiatric profiles of murderous children.” In the first installment we cover everything from cases involving children with neurobiological problems to the impact of a negative social environment on their character.

In this chapter we delve into gender violence among adolescents, the behavior of organized youth gangs, and the crimes carried out by resentful and isolated lone wolves.

All the rivers of passion flow into the black chronicle: desire, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, love, greed, ambition… There are no stories only of good guys and bad guys. There are stories full of nuances, half-truths, strengths and weaknesses, innocence and cruelty.

Dossier Negro is a biweekly black chronicle podcast. You can also find its chapters on podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts, among others.