How to define the magic of Seville, what differentiates it from other European or distantly exotic cities? The answer to this question is multiple and perhaps prints like the one that opens this text evoke an accurate clue. And so, Christian Louboutin, shoe genius, worldwide idolized master shoemaker, has his own. “I feel passionate about Seville: it is a city that continues to provide the values ??of tradition, it has a very Catholic side, it is small, very beautiful and it is not international. Be careful, this is not pejorative but the other way around: I was born in Paris, I live in Paris and I love Paris precisely because it is not an international city but a provincial one; with its qualities and its defects but with a very strong identity. It is a city that people love and visit for its identity, not to find what is found in New York, London or Dubai, in the cities considered international. The specificity of Paris is its uniqueness in many things. And the same thing happens in Seville,” explains the teacher in conversation with La Vanguardia.

Louboutin was the godfather of the 17th edition of the Escaparate awards, a magazine founded by the journalist Mario Niebla del Toro – its agenda is worth as much gold as the Tower of its city – and whose annual gala brings together more Sevillian nobility than any other. The French designer apologized on stage for not wearing a tuxedo like the gentlemen present: “I feel very honored to be the best man here and that’s why I wear blue, because in France the groomsmen dress like that and that’s why I don’t wear a tie or black bow tie,” he explained with a smile on his face from the stage. “Today there is a lot of talk about cultural appropriation when you are very interested in a culture different from your own. And I deeply disagree. I have loved many different cultures and among them, that of Andalusia. And I call this cultural fascination. That’s why I want to thank you for being here tonight.”

In the Patio de Banderas square in Seville, on the other side of the walls of the Alcázar, around 650 guests gathered to attend the presentation of up to 20 awards in a historic edition, with a dozen performances – from the Domus Carmina choir to Carmen la Hierbabuena– and in which tribute was paid to the recently deceased María Jiménez. The list of famous people, between winners and award recipients, was endless: Alejandro Amenábar, Ainhoa ??Arteta, India Martínez, Pepe Navarro, Malena Costa, the Duke of Alba, Father Ángel Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, Gloria Camila Ortega, Manuel Bandera , María Barranco, Victorio y Lucchino, Sergio Rico, Juan Carlos Unzué (with donation to benefit the Luzón Foundation, which researches ALS), Esther Doña, Fiona Ferrer, Raquel Revuelta, Marina Castaño, Carmen Lomana, Belinda Washington, Antonia dell ‘Atte, Antonio Canales, Cayetano Martínez de Irujo with Bárbara Mirjan, Palomo Spain, Remedios Cervantes, María del Monte, and even Emilio Butragueño who could only stay a couple of hours in Seville due to commitments in Madrid that same night.

The opportunity to contrast Louboutin’s opinion with that of the only master at his level, Manolo Blahnik, was auspicious. Is there a perfect shoe? The Spanish designer believes not and the Frenchman agrees: “It does not exist. At least I haven’t seen it, only in my imagination. When we create, if we think we can reach Perfect Attainment, we stop. So if we continue working it is because we continue trying to get closer to a form of perfection but it is not here yet. And the wonderful thing about perfection is that it doesn’t exist. In any case, if it exists, I’m not interested: what’s interesting is the path. That is the creative engine. So I completely agree with Manolo on that. Imagine that we have made something perfect; “Then we should retreat.” Louboutin confesses that his dream would be to have been able to fit the immeasurable Elizabeth Taylor of Cleopatra.

Pepe Navarro went on stage to collect one of the awards on behalf of his close friend Isabel Gemio, whom he has known since the days of Radio Barcelona. The popular journalist and businessman tells this newspaper about the incredible work of his foundation: “Just as other NGOs, foundations or associations, all with difficult work, at least have a concrete and almost invisible enemy, there is none here. Pharmaceutical companies generally worry about what happens to a significant number of patients, but they do not investigate a disease that affects 15 or 20 people, because they cannot commercially dedicate themselves to it. Isabel’s foundation is privately and individually looking for scientists who will begin to investigate some aspects. With their contribution and the altruism of scientists, things are achieved. But above all, the foundation provides support to people who are very alone and do not know where to turn when an almost exclusive illness reaches a family member.”

Pepe moved away from the front line of communication a long time ago and today lives off different investments in various sectors. “I don’t miss it because I am a vitalist type and when I do something I focus on what I am doing, thus, I am not capable of being homesick or homesick for something I did previously. I focus a lot on what I do and I always get a lot of interest and enthusiasm in the things I am doing.” Regarding his breakup with Beatriz he is more sparing: “No, no, everything is fine. Everything working like a charm, really,” he pulls off in style. By the way, this newspaper was able to learn that a certain guest at the awards, an attractive Venezuelan woman with whom he has had several fights, preferred to excuse herself when she found out that Pepe would be there.

Malena Costa, also awarded that night, attended arm in arm with her husband, soccer player Mario Suárez. “Receiving this type of recognition is always an honor; I have been working on this for many years and it is not so common to receive awards and this one has made me especially excited: in a city like Seville, with the Giralda in the background and so many guests… I think I have never spoken in front of so many people (laughs).” Malena admits that she was much more nervous about having to speak in front of so many people than about having Louboutin around. “I treat all people the same, I don’t differentiate based on how important they are. I’ll tell you an anecdote so you can see if I’m a disaster: it happened to me at an event in Milan with Cavalli, when a woman came and said to me in English something like ‘wow, you’re gorgeous, I love your dress’, I don’t know what, no I know how many. And I commented later what a woman, as charming as she is beautiful. After a while they whisper to me that Sharon Stone was at that party. Well it was her. Well, I care more about what people are like than their identity or the position they have.”

Malena continues on the front line but, with foresight, she has begun to invest in different businesses and does not rule out creating her own fashion brand when the time comes. Mario Suárez has said goodbye to Rayo Vallecano and has started as a commentator in matches on the DAZN channel, in addition to other projects and some investments, among others, with his wife in Café de Finca. “When it really becomes a reality, he will be the one to say it, because today I don’t know 100%.”

Manuel Bandera received an award as male performer from Gloria Camila Ortega, dressed in a polka dot design by Eloy Enamorado. The daughter of Rocío Jurado and José Ortega Cano has just started a new stage as a weekly contributor to Espejo Público (Antena 3) and has enrolled in law school. “Because? Well, I think that everyone should have a minimum of knowledge of law for the future; is that for anything, procedure or problem it is necessary. At the moment I do it to be more informed for tomorrow, but I still like it so much that I end up doing a master’s degree to graduate,” explains the young woman. In any case, Bakkus, her own online clothing brand, is the project that most occupies her attention today.