The purpose of our profiles on social networks is to reflect our personality, our tastes or our life. That’s why we strive to look our best for photographs and videos, we choose very carefully what we publish and what we don’t and who we follow on each platform. In addition to the content that we share on each social network, these offer the possibility of personalizing our profile as a letter of introduction to those who consult it.

In the case of the Instagram biography, we can include a lot of various information about ourselves. In addition to your name, you can specify your pronouns and your profession. There are those who choose to indicate their place of birth or residence, their zodiac sign, develop their professional career or make a list of their hobbies. Others opt for a display of emoticons and other people show off a motivating phrase.

For some time now, links can also be added and there are those who even have a very original functionality: embedding a fragment of a song in their Instagram biography. The social network user ‘X’ Alessandro Paluzzi, known on this platform for filtering implementations and news in various apps, announced in October 2022 that Instagram was working on the possibility of adding a song to the profile.

Although this option is not yet available to all users, it is already being implemented and many people have been surprised with the option enabled in their accounts. Therefore, it can be assumed that it is in a trial period for randomly selected profiles, but that it will soon be a functionality available to all users of the Meta app.