A new domestic scandal has returned former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to the front pages of the tabloids. Apparently, a nanny who was in his service was fired three days after hiring her by the politician’s wife, Carrie, after her mother found her daughter’s husband and the new nanny having a glass of rosé wine together in the terrace of his Oxfordshire house.

Theresa Dawes, 59, told The Mirror that she was fired from work just three days after the birth of the couple’s third child, Frank Alfred Odysseus, on July 5. In her account, Dawes also claims that she was given 15 minutes to pack her bags the day after Johnson’s wife returned to the couple’s home after recovering from childbirth in the hospital.

As Dawes explained, that glass of rosé wine that he drank with Johnson, and that did not go unnoticed by his wife’s mother, was to celebrate the arrival of little Frank into the world. The nanny, who is considering legal action, is now asking to be paid for the expenses she incurred in moving from Zimbabwe, claiming she is owed thousands of pounds for the agreed three-month contract, plus redundancy pay. .

The married couple who are the protagonists of what has already been dubbed Nannygate have denied the accusations through a spokesperson. In this sense, his spokesperson said that the story is totally false. “It’s disappointing to see someone seeking a position of trust abuse it to create a completely false story for financial gain,” she added.

Of the wine with which the former president treated the nanny, she commented that it was “pretty good, but definitely not worth it.” After that snack, Dawes claims Mrs Johnson was “extremely rude” to her and that the former prime minister was “nervous”.

The next day, always according to the employee’s story, she received a text message from Carrie Johnson asking to meet with her. During the meeting she was fired because she “didn’t think it was working and that we didn’t get along.” At that time, Johnson’s wife raised some comments with the nanny that she had expressed during the interview prior to getting her job.

He apparently told Carrie that his former boss had welcomed Johnson’s resignation over the Partygate scandal. To her, it was an excuse: “If she didn’t like him, why didn’t he do something two weeks earlier?”