The fleet of electric taxis that operate in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) represents only 2.13% of the 10,421 vehicles registered by this entity. Getting into one of the 222 electric vehicles painted in the iconic yellow and black colors that circulate through the streets of the Catalan capital is still a relatively uncommon experience. Those who do it usually highlight the notable silence and smooth stability of the vehicle, says Ángel García, one of the taxi drivers who has been driving an electric car for the longest time.

You are one of the taxi drivers in Barcelona who has had an electric car for the longest time. Are you satisfied with the experience or have you ever considered returning to a combustion car?

I am totally in favor of the electric taxi. To travel a maximum of 200 kilometers a day, which is what I do, it is the best option. Consider that I have a 40 kW Nissan Leaf that cannot be bought with other current electric cars with much more autonomy. But for me, who works between 8 and 10 hours a day, it is enough. If this car had to work two shifts a day it would be unthinkable.

Thus, as a general rule, the battery lasts you until the end of your day…

I very rarely reach 200 kilometers, and if I see that I am in a hurry I do a quick recharge of 20 or 30 minutes at most which gives me time to cover another 100 kilometers. But I am not a fan of this type of charging because it is not good for the life of the battery and I try to keep it to a minimum.

Do you think the public charging network is well developed?

It is almost better in the suburbs than in Barcelona and surrounding areas. I have loaded in Cambrils, Manresa, Palamós, Calella…. And it’s almost better than in Barcelona because a lot of failures happen here, and this year they have installed payment chargers. There aren’t many points to charge either. Little by little they are installing more charging points at gas stations, but in general the infrastructure is slow and of poor quality.

Have you ever had to give up a career for autonomy?

Generally, there are no long races, although sometimes I have taken a client to Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Salou…, places that are far from Barcelona and you have to keep an eye on the battery level. Depending on the hours I have been working I have had to resign. But if it’s first thing in the morning, no problem. Every time I have gone out I have done so by checking the charging points to return, otherwise, with a car like mine, with such little autonomy, it would be impossible.

Did you think a lot when choosing an electric car?

No, it was a very easy choice, as I worked alone and had my own garage where I could install the charger, I saw it very clear from the first moment. If you work a double shift you don’t even think about it because I knew there would be a limitation. But the plan was clear from the moment I opted for an electric vehicle: travel 200 kilometers at most and extra charges to keep up with my work pace.

How much money do you save per year just on fuel?

I haven’t done numbers, but the savings are considerable. When I had the hybrid Prius I spent between 280 and 300 euros a month on gasoline and it’s been five years now. Imagine now with the price increase. Today I would spend around 350 euros each month on fuel alone. On the other hand, I only spend between 60 and 70 euros per month to charge the car battery. So the savings are between 3,000 and 3,500 euros per year. In the five years I’ve had the car, well, more than 15,000 euros for sure.

You should also save a lot on car maintenance. They say that electric cars are allergic to workshops…

When I had the Peugeot 406, every 15,000-20,000 kilometers I had to change the oil and according to the dealer they charged between 180 and 300 euros. Then you have to add the costs of wear and tear: clutch, distribution chain, the maintenance itself… It’s a lot of money that I’m saving now because since I’ve had the Nissan Leaf, and it’s been five years now, I’ve only had to do electric charging and four reviews by the manufacturer at the dealership until the warranty period expires. Then just the tires.

Have you noticed if the battery’s charging capacity decreases over the years?

Yes, in 5 years the battery has decreased somewhat and that is even thanks to the fact that my schedule is not very long. If I had the need to work more hours, the battery would surely have suffered much more.

Do you think that at this rate your taxi will be able to last until the maximum age of 14, which allows you to circulate with it in the Metropolitan Area of ??Barcelona?

If in five years the battery already has that autonomy left, I don’t think the car will last 9 years assuming the battery doesn’t break down. Elements swell, become overloaded, and repairs are expensive. I highly doubt the car will last 14 years as is.

But, even if it doesn’t reach the age of 14, you will have had time to pay it off, right?

Yes, I already knew that in 6-7 years the car would be paid for by the savings that an electric car means compared to a combustion car. It is true that the initial investment is greater because the cost of an electric car is higher than a combustion or hybrid car, but the savings are also greater. Also, as I said before, I barely had to take it to the workshop.

After everything you say, why do you think there are still taxi drivers reluctant to buy an electric car?

Without a doubt, for the price. I have already told you that a car with 200 kilometers of autonomy is good for me. But those who need a car with 400 or 500 kilometers of autonomy because they work double shifts will not find it for less than 40,000 or 50,000 euros and this is a lot of money. Furthermore, there is not enough aid to encourage the purchase of an electric vehicle.

Customers should notice the smoothness of riding in an electric car…

Yes, although people are increasingly accustomed to not noticing the diesel rattle when they get into a 100% electric car, they often comment that it is very smooth. I came from an automatic Prius, but when the hybrid revs up it switches to combustion and you always notice the engine change. But with the electric car there is no noise or movements.