Julio Iglesias turned 80 on September 23. An anniversary that he did not celebrate with a lavish party of any kind, but in the strictest privacy, despite being the most international Spanish singer and one of the most recognized artists in the world.

Since his youth, the singer has managed to conquer several generations, but as is the case with great myths, he is surrounded by mystery. An enigma that this week the journalist Pilar Eyre tries to decipher in the magazine Lecturas, since the questions about the state of health, well-being or what the singer does do not stop happening.

As the journalist points out, both the singer and those around him are determined to confirm that he is “very well” and that his health is good; that he is writing his memoirs and that he lives with his family, peaceful and enjoying so many years of success. However, the artist assures that he does not think about retiring.

However, few things are known about the singer, except for his inner circle. His last performances were in 2019: first, the private wedding of a Russian tycoon, for which he earned two million dollars in 2019; a performance in London, in which he did not sing much, and a short concert tour in Mexico, in which he had voice problems and even fell off the stage.

Since then, tours have been announced that have ended up being suspended with different excuses, he has released an album in 2017, sold-out performances that have been cancelled, his website is inactive and there have been endless rumors about the true state of health of the artist, pointing out that he would not be as well as he would like to make it seem. Some speculations that Julio Iglesias himself responded to a few weeks ago, through his Instagram profile.

“In an impolite way for those who have raised doubts about my health, I would tell them that I am DPM, but for the people who truly love me for so many years, I would tell them that I have never had my mind clearer, writing my memoirs and “I thank you with all my soul for your always affection.”

“On the occasion of his 80th birthday, tributes were being prepared for him in Galicia, in Marbella, in Valencia, but he already let the organizers know that he would not attend and that he did not like being reminded of his age,” reveals Eyre, discovering the reason for the non-celebration of the singer’s birthday.

He hasn’t been seen for four years. “She leads such a mysterious life that we don’t even know where she lives and who she lives with,” says the journalist. “We don’t know anything about Miranda either, even though she does spend her summers in the fabulous 450-hectare house in Ojén. The five children she has had with her, except one, are of legal age and are completely anonymous.”

The journalist assures that it is not known for sure where the Iglesias-Rijnsburger family lives, although it is believed that she lives on her own with her five children, separated from the singer, living in Miami, in her home in Indian Creek. The singer, meanwhile, would reside between his properties in the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas.

“Presumably they are gathering around Julio, sheltering him or protecting him, although we still don’t know why or from what,” says Eyre, who regrets this decision by the singer. “Once someone who is no longer here told me about his friend: “Julio is always surrounded by people, but he is the loneliest person I have ever met.”