Globalization has brought products from all over the world to our homes, although this does not always follow its logic because sometimes we consume food from extremely distant parts of the planet when it is produced very close by.

This is what a Mercadona customer has asked himself in

“Good morning. Hello Mercadona, I am from Valencia, the land of oranges. “Could you explain to me what this is?” the user asked, showing a label for oranges of South African origin, while accompanying it with the hashtag

Mercadona, far from not responding, has given an explanation that has not completely convinced the Valencian: “Hello! We only import oranges from mid-August to approximately November, once we have exhausted the production volume of the national campaign,” she explains.

Furthermore, they added that “like every year, when the Spanish campaign begins in November and until approximately August, we have 100% national oranges, from different Autonomous Communities. Greetings!”, the supermarket has stated through the networks.

The affected person has assured to be vigilant in the face of Mercadona’s promise, and has promised that he will be “pending” to verify if the oranges are really Spanish on the stipulated dates.