What is a “castell”?

A challenge to gravity, a perfect geometry…

I see architecture.

Made of bodies.

And an art.

The art of balancing strength and balance.

Half and half?

The lower floors, the more strength; those higher up, more balance.

Where do you place yourself?

Second or third floor: half strength, half balance.

Were you “anxeneta”?

They are children from five to eight years old. I started when I was 14 years old.


You start when the bug bites you.

Why did it bite him?

My father went to train on Fridays. One day I accompanied him… And until today.

Is your father from “casteller”?

He piny a at the base of the “castell”, in a more outer belt: he is already 75 years old.

It’s years.

The same as the “castellers” of Vilafranca, founded in 1948 by Oriol Rossell, a strong man from Vilafranca, known as “the male of Sant Marçal”.


We had two other legendary “cap de colla”: “el Mènac” (Carles Domènechj), from 1975 to 1995, and “el Melillas” (Francisco Moreno), until 2003, which had been “anxeneta”: they encouraged us, we went champions!

How do they manage to be the best?

Training Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Many hours?

At the end of the working day, two hours per day, and on Friday all the hours in the world.

Delivery, sacrifice…

And rivalry: it is the engine! Without the hunger to surpass others we would not have achieved anything. And we have achieved a lot.

What “castells” do you think of?

In “The Indomitable Beast”: no one had managed to carry that “castell” in the 20th century!

How is?

It’s a clean tower of eight.

Eight floors.

Two people per floor: all balance! And strength. We had dreamed of it so much! The “colla” carried it for the first time in 1999. I, already in the 21st century, several times.

Tamed beast!

I was even more excited to carry the “pilar de nou” with “folre”, “manilles” and “puntals”, with me on the fourth floor.

Why were you so excited?

After the covid stoppage, we had a downturn. And no one believed we would do it. It was historic… And in November… we loaded it!

And did they download it?

No, but it was historic! I hugged the “cap de colla” and we cried together.

Even if they made “llenya…

Yes. The important thing here is that the “pinya” does not open, to avoid significant bruises, especially on the knees.

Are there many injuries?

The risk is there. The most common are contractures. That’s why we warm up muscles first. Then, stretching.

Clarify me about the “folre”, “handles” and “props”.

The apartments are for three people, but in the apartment above the “pinya” there are more: “folre”. In a ten-story pillar, there will be a third, also more numerous: “manilles”.

And the “props”?

Another fourth floor of support, if there are nine or ten floors.

What other “castells” are built in Vilafranca?

After failing twelve times!, in 1995 we were the first in history to download the “torre de nou” with “folre” and “manilles”… It made us leaders. For being stubborn.


“Four of ten” (four “castellers” per floor, ten floors), “four of nine” without “lining”, very difficult! And if the “new tower” (nine floors of two “castles”) with “lining” has been possible… without “lining” it is already impossible!

Why do they wear green shirts?

Tribute to the vineyards, since 1957 it has been green, to distinguish us from Valls and Vendrell, previous “collas”.

How many “colles” exist today?

A hundred

What is the secret of the best “casteller”?

Teamwork, hours of training and, once in the square, serenity.

The “climax” is…

The “anxeneta” makes the “fin” (raises his hand) and fifteen thousand throats release a deafening scream: you feel the vibration in your body. And, calmly, you resist.

Can I try?

You must! First I’ll show you a video that we only see inside the rehearsal room. And, surely, you will cry.