-Óscar Puente, double of Perrosanxe to do the action scenes.

– Only for action ones. For romance, let Perrosanxe continue, he hissed.

-Perrosanxe is Puente’s double in the romantic scenes.

No better way has been found to describe the PSOE deputy from Vallisole. Nor, his intervention in the investiture debate. This dialogue, on the X platform, attests to his mordantness, his satirical verb, poignant, incisive, even corrosive when he addressed Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Puente is read. Even so, he did not fall into the abuse … on Tuesday, because it does not cost him much. “He can be tested for the coronavirus. You don’t need the asshole one. We already know that it gives positive”; “I’m a lawyer, idiot”; “You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about”; “How will you know what I went there for, idiot”. These are his phrases, from when the socialist was mayor of Valladolid and Twitter was called Twitter. These are just four examples, but there are plenty of them. Also, recently.

We’ll never know if Puente was relatively more measured because Pedro Sánchez corrected his text or if he himself understood that on Twitter anyone can unconsciously exalt themselves (okay, okay, come on, let’s face it), but under the roof of Congress only those who avoid condemning the bullet impacts of the 23-F do so. But the thing is, the president knew he was letting go of his best lumberjack.

However, Puente didn’t need expletives. As long as Feijóo does not understand that he does not lack four votes, but has 33 left, he is easy prey and no political opponent is in danger of falling too far. As long as he can’t hide his raised eyebrows and frowns when he claims he doesn’t have the votes to be president because he didn’t want to, he’ll get laughs. And as long as the PP does not get rid of the comments of its secretary general in Madrid, able to tweet that when “the president of Congress speaks in Spanish, the screens in the chamber offer us a translation… in Spanish”, when everyone but him sees that it is a transcription for anyone who has hearing problems, the disqualification will be done alone and elided.

On the contrary, the closest to the insult was the PP bench. “Coward!” he chanted (without believing it) understanding his leader’s great response to Sánchez’s absence from the podium: “He asked me for six debates during the electoral campaign and now he is not able to do the second ?”. Perhaps Sánchez was lacking in that respect, but his PSOE did know how to get rid of a Felipe González who has only evolved to go from saying “por consequente” to “por tanto”.