On Wednesday, September 27, Carlo Costanzia received terrible news: the Provincial Court of Malaga has ratified the two-year prison sentence imposed on him after being accused of fraud along with his former partner in a vehicle buying and selling business. high-end products that never reached customers. The judge rejected his request not to go to prison, despite the fact that his sentence is less than 22 months and that he had reached an agreement with the prosecution, now broken.

After receiving this judicial blow, Mar Flores’ son appeared in And now Sonsoles, where he surprised with his attitude and statements. Very calm, the actor and model assured that he will not go to prison.

Mar Flores’ son explained how his agreement with the prosecution was broken because of his legal team. At the beginning of the process, her lawyers did not provide the necessary evidence to allow her not to be found guilty of what she is accused of. However, once he changed lawyers to represent him, they decided to reach an agreement with the victims of the alleged scam.

According to the actor, he has had contact with all those affected. Especially with one of them, whom he personally assured that he would return the money. Not only the money that he passed through his account, but the more than 100,000 euros that those affected had given to Roberto, his former partner, who is currently wanted. Costanzia no longer maintains a relationship with him, since she assures that not only is she truly responsible for this entire situation, but that Roberto himself owes her the money from a previous loan that she already requested.

“I’m going to return it, it’s money that I’ve always thought was legal,” the Toy Boy star explained to Sonsoles Onega. “I have paid for it and I have given them more,” he added, referring to his former partner. “I have been the useful fool in this story. I have not been the smartest in the world,” he insists.

This judicial setback does not mean that he will go to prison immediately. For now, the young man is in a situation of semi-freedom with a telematic bracelet, which had already been put on him for another crime for having driven under the influence of alcohol. “This has allowed me to get the two sentences,” he explains. “That is why I have already served 4 months of the 21-month sentence.”

The young man assures that he will not go to prison. “There is terrible misinformation. The judge asks that I enter prison even before I can appeal the sentence, before I reach an agreement with the prosecution, claim or make payments. Before the appeal, I am already obliged to enter prison, before final success,” he says.

Despite his apparent security and tranquility, Carlo Costanzia will not be able to avoid jail after being accused of fraud along with his former partner. Mar Flores’ son has defended his innocence ad nauseam, ensuring that Roberto was the one truly responsible for the entire plot, with him acting without having knowledge of the movements he could have made. There came a time when he even reported him.

The victims of the scam who have spoken to the media also pointed to Roberto as responsible for the entire situation.

After being accused, Carlo Costanzia appealed the sentence and even reached an agreement with the prosecution, which they broke, to avoid jail. His mother, Mar Flores, has not commented at the moment.