The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, denounced this Thursday in the municipal plenary session the “paralysis” of the Government of Spain in the face of Operation Camp, while ensuring that his Executive is already working on the development of a new Plan General Urban Planning of Madrid (PGOUM), as well as in the “compliance” of the works for the burial of the A-5.

The unlocking of Operation Camp came in 2022, when the ministries of Defense and Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda signed a collaboration protocol for the transfer of military land with the objective of building 12,000 homes, of which at least 60 % will be protected.

Almeida has referred to this urban planning operation during his minutes of intervention in an appearance that has been requested, in the first ordinary plenary session of the political course, by the spokesperson of the PSOE, Reyes Maroto, an appearance in which there have been no shortage of reproaches exchanged between the two.

If Maroto has insisted that Almeida is a part-time mayor who is dedicated to giving voice to the postulates defended by the PP at the national level, Almeida has once again reproached the municipal group of the PSOE for continuing with the same outdated mantras that do not have worked in the electorate judging by the results that the socialists have achieved in the capital, and he has once again defended that his Government will not give up defending the people of Madrid in the face of Pedro Sánchez’s policies.

After the crossed darts, Almeida has detailed some of the measures that his Government is already implementing, such as the preparation of new urban planning regulations, which have received subsequent approval from the municipal leader of Más Madrid, Rita Maestre; the drafting of the preliminary projects for the coverage of the M-30 as it passes through the south of Ventas and the northern axis of Castellana or the progress of the underground plan for the A-5.

Afterwards, the councilor mentioned the unblocking of what is known as Operation Camp, in which the mayor has framed the future of the burial of the A-5.

“I trust that, once and for all, Pedro Sánchez will keep his word, and that announcement he made in last year’s state of the nation debate about Operation Camp will become a reality, because on the part of the City Council, Mrs. Maroto, there is no type of obstacle,” said the mayor.

And he added, immediately afterwards, that “what there is on the part of the nation’s Government is paralysis.”

“Because since January we have not received a single piece of news from the Government of the nation regarding Operation Camp, and, therefore, we would like to know what their position is on the matter,” said Almeida in this appearance, in which The mayor has also exchanged reproaches with Rita Maestre (Más Madrid) and Javier Ortega Smith (Vox), and in which, as usual, there has been no shortage of references to extra-municipal matters.

-Rita Maestre (Más Madrid):

“If you abdicate your responsibility as mayor so as not to bother Mrs. Ayuso, then we will continue to pressure, here, and in the Community of Madrid, because municipal autonomy is a basic principle for this political force and we are not going to abandon it in no time.”

“In no way are we going to be complicit in the factory of inequality that Madrid is today thanks to the policies of the PP (…). And in no way are we going to allow a privileged minority, who can only speak with the deniers of climate change and gender violence, give us a single lesson about what the word equality, the word freedom or the word patriotism means. Not a single lesson.

-Reyes Maroto (PSOE):

“Mr. Almeida, do you know how long it took you to talk about Pedro Sánchez? Three seconds! You, clearly, are obsessed with Pedro Sánchez, and I am here, yes, to defend the Government of Spain, because I am very proud to be a sanchista minister”.

To Almeida: “You boycott European funds and then put your hand in to receive them.”

-José Luis Martínez-Almeida (PP):

To Rita Maestre: “They say that we are a factory of inequality. There is no greater inequality than that some have to comply with the law and others can commit crimes and not have to assume the consequences.”

“Reyes Maroto says that she is proud to be a Sanchista minister. May she do well in Madrid. I hope that the person who makes the speeches to her is not the same person who prepared the campaign for her.”

-Javier Ortega Smith (Vox):

“Comply with the burying of the A-5, mayor; do not blame Pedro Sánchez, do it.”

“There are hundreds and hundreds of dry trees in the city since the (storm Filomena). (…) The other day I counted 25. I publicly invite you to take a look, yes, mayor, and to you too, Mr. (Borja ) Carabante (…) The trees are not cared for, the garbage is not collected, there are shanties tucked in around the M-30.”